Friday, September 7, 2012

Matchless In Details

"He made two cherubim of wild olive wood, each 15 feet tall, and placed them in the inner sanctuary. The wingspan of each of the cherubim was 15 feet, each wing being 71/2 feet long.

The two cherubim were identical in shape and size; each was 15 feet tall.

He placed them side by side in the inner sanctuary of the Temple.

Their outspread wings reached from wall to wall, while their inner wings touched at the center of the room.

 He overlaid the two cherubim with gold" - 1Kings 6: 23-28.

This was a part of the description of the Temple built by Solomon. Several elements in the description caught and hooked my attention—my imagination was fired up as I created a vivid mental picture of the two golden cherubim standing in the sanctuary.

More on the detailed description:
·        It showed the Temple to be made from limestone and cedar.
·        The lavish use of gold overlay.
·        The motif used for decoration - gourds, open flowers, palm trees and cherubim.
·        The building parts were assembled quietly on site. No noise or sound of metal tools was heard.

Attention was given to describing the details of the work done in the temple which enhanced the imagery of the beauty and intricacy of the project. Recording the crafting of the furnishing in such minute detail emphasized the magnificent beauty, symmetry, and the glory of the temple.

Jump back to the Book of Exodus Chapters 25 to 30 and see how God provided detailed instructions for the building of the Tabernacle and its furnishing. The specifications included:

  • Types of wood and metals to be used.
  • Dimensions and placing of all the items for use in the Tabernacle.
  • The fabric for colourful curtains, exquisite tapestry, intricate motifs and embroidery.
  • The skilled craftsmen to do the work.
Moses was warned when he was about to start building the Tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain" (Ex. 25:40). And Moses built the tabernacle to specification. He followed the detailed instructions he was given.

The account of both the building of the Tabernacle by Moses and the Temple by Solomon were described in the Bible in details.

From creation to date, there is no haphazardness or tardiness in the dealings of God. He is interested in the details. His doings are well defined and purposeful. God gave detailed instructions and the understanding of the details.

Creativity and Details

God, the Father Almighty, is the Creator of the heavens and earth. He created order out of chaos. He is the God of details. He paid attention to the details when He created exquisitely beautiful things out of nothing.

Observe the wonders of nature—majestic mountains, scenic lakes, vast oceans— and you will marvel at the multiple colours, amazing patterns and unusual animals and plants, which God incorporated.

We are created in His image and in the process, God deposited in us the ability to be creative.

Creativity requires paying attention to details—taking note of intricate, fine and elaborate particulars.

"Opportunity for discovery and creativity comes from digging into details"
- John D. Cook.

As a writer, I learnt that a writing life springs from a creative source. The more I tap into God, the more creative I am. The details I see in the Word of God inspires me to be attentive to give descriptive details in my writing and invoke vivid imagery which will hold the attention of my readers.

Every detail must be addressed with care if you want to create something beautiful and elegant. This has application in every vocation or calling.

Productivity and Details

In this context, it relates to important and significant particulars which ensures that a job or task is performed thoroughly and meticulously to produce an excellent work. It also ensures that the standards specified are followed or achieved. It excludes the trivial elements.

"God is in the details"
- Ludwig Mies van der Rohe (1886 - 1869)

When God is in the details nothing is overlooked. A mediocre does a shoddy job because he does not give attention to the fine details.

In the building of the Tabernacle, Bezalel and Oholiab were chosen for their skills and artistic craftsmanship. Solomon sent for Huram from Tyre to work on the building of the Temple.

The report given of the work of these men showed that they were excellent skilled workers, they were thorough, and they gave attention to the details.

Whatever our vocation may be, there is an opportunity to produce an excellent work when we use our talents, skills and gifts as unto God.

The goodness of the final product is established by its details.

God and You, and the Details

God, Who did not spare any details in the creation of the universe or the building of the Tabernacle, is interested and concerned about the minute details of our lives. He does not want to be involved in the big issues only but also in the day-to-day small details of our lives.

He wants to be a part of every decision we make. He wants us to check with Him about those small details of everyday life we think we can handle.

I read in my Bedtime Bible Storybook as a child, the story of a young girl who lost her coin. She searched fervently but could not find it. Distressed, she cried to her mother for help, who asked her to pray about it. She did. A short while later, she found the coin, in an unusual place.

The story stayed with me. When I put it to practice, I am amazed how God leads me to find something I lost or to something I needed. This happened many times and in mysterious ways too. There's nothing we can't share with God, nothing too trivial to commit into His hands. If it concerns us, it concerns Him too.

We can rely on God to take care of all the particulars of our lives when we keep Him in the details. And this comes with practice.

How much details of your life do you share with God? He is waiting for you today to make Him a part of all the details of your life. And your life will be enriched as you do so.

P.S.: I apologise for coming late with the blogpost in the last 2 weeks. I am writing under difficult circumstances. More on that soon. God bless you.


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