Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Faced with a situation which presented itself like a tightly knotted cord.
For many years we tugged at this knot,
We did all we knew to do to unravel this knot—it would not bulge;

Many hours spent agonizing in prayers,
It appeared one loop was loosening a little, then in a swift,
It twisted itself into an even tighter knot,
Defying understanding or solution.
No human hand could unravel this knot.

Tired, almost in despair,
My soul cried out to the Lord:

Is there anything too difficult for You to do, Lord?
Can a heart be so hard, You can not touch and soften?
Is there any issue too knotty for You to unravel?

At that time when it looked so bleak—You visited me;
Early in the morning, at the dawn of a new day,
Your warm breath brushed my temple like the touch of soft down feathers, 
You whispered my name and called me out of a deep dark place.

At that moment, voices resounding like those of a throng of angels floated into my spirit,
A song arose from within my heart,
"How great is Our God."

Yes, how great is Our God.

"Is that a question or an affirmation?"

He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth.
He holds the universe in the span of His hands- Is 40:12
What is too difficult for Him?
What knotty situation can He not unravel?

He is the God Who caused water to flow from flinty rocks
Whose heart is too hard for Him to touch?

My mind tried to phantom the picture created here;
My imagination failed me.

A span is the distance between the thumb and the pinkie (the little finger).

The farthest reaches of the infinite universe is measurable by the span of God's hand—the space between His finger and His thumb holds the entire universe estimated to be around 28 billion light years in diameter and I am told a light year is 5,878,630,000,000 miles1.

Ha! the estimated size of the universe is 28,000,000,000 X 5,878,630,000,000 miles wide at it's diameter!

Awesome God! How great is Our God!

This same God hears us when we call out to Him. He harkens to our cry. Nothing escapes His notice. Nothing catches Him unawares.

He measured the waters in the hollow of His hands,
He knows the exact weight of the earth - Is 40:12.
He knows the precise number of hair on our heads - Lk 12:7.
He called the stars by their names and knows the number of them - Ps 147:4
He is the Almighty God
All might and All power belongs to Him

"How Great is Our God."

What challenging situation can defy the might of this great God?

His mighty hands can unravel every tight, complex or convoluted knot.
He has the final say.

Can a hard heart be softened and made sensitive?
Can a deteriorated relationship be restored to vibrancy?

He is the God Who restored the decaying body of Lazarus to life,
He can restore dead relationships to life.
He caused dry bones to live again,
He can restore life to every area of deadness and dryness in any sphere of our lives.

I know You are good.
I know Your plans are perfect.
Even when I don't understand,
I know You Who knows it all, knows it best.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing is too difficult for You.

You can unravel this knot,
I wait in hope.
I wait with patience.
I trust in Your goodness and faithfulness.

You reveal to redeem.
You will not leave Your servants in the dark.
In the glorious light of Your presence,
The eye of our understanding is illuminated.

I hear the shout of victory.
                             But distinct.
And I know a triumphant possession is coming my way.

I don't know how. I don't know when.
but I have this one guarantee,
this blessed assurance,
this hope which does not disappoint…
…He will unravel this knot in His own way and in His own time.
…He will work it together for our good.

Our God is great. He will take care of all that concerns you.
Will you trust Him with your knotty situation?

1. Our God is Big. Thoughtful Christian Insights

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